Friday, May 30, 2014

What is really important? God.

I was reflecting back today on a great piece of wisdom.  For Mother's Day, we held an intimate celebration at our church.  We invited a panel of "moms" from the church to speak, instead of hiring in a professional speaker.

We gave them some leading questions.

What did you expect motherhood would look like?
What has motherhood been like in reality?
What advice do you give to moms?
How did God get you through this journey?

We had a variety of women.

The veteran grandmother.
The new grandmother.
The woman who was diagnosed with PPD.
The woman who had a child diagnosed with a disability.

You get the picture.

It was the last speaker, the seasoned grandmother, who said something that struck me as really profound.

In a nutshell, she said the only thing that is important is God.  That we introduce them to God, that we encourage the relationship with God.  That we remain consistent in our relationship with God.  That we are a positive reminder in their life of the goodness of God.

Their education, is great.  But not the most important thing.
Their participation is sports and activities, great.  But not the most important thing.
Totally healthy, organic diet... wonderful.  But not the most important thing.

And the more she spoke, the more I realized the VERY THINGS WE ALLOW TO DIVIDE US A CHRISTIANS.... are the very things that are not important.

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