Whether you find yourself leading your home, or leading a church or an organization... LISTENING is a huge factor in successful leadership.
As I said in a previous post, I attended an amazing conference this weekend, The Gospel Coalition's National Women's Conference, in Orlando Florida. I actually happened upon the article, on their website while I was killing time.
This quote jumped out of the article at me, as if it was written in crimson lettering.
Leaders Listen by Jen Pollock MichelGodly leaders must listen to Christ, who is their Head (cf. Eph. 4:15). But godly leaders must also listen to the people they lead (cf. Acts 6:1-6.)
It is important that as leaders we are in fact listening to God first, just as the article suggests. Yet too often we forget to listen to those we are leading. The article is really written toward men, Pastors, about listening to the women in the church's needs. Indicating that since they are male, do not understand those needs by nature, they really need to listen to the women in order to understand their needs & be able to provide them.
But, my thoughts went beyond that, into our homes, our families, our relationships with others, and our own leadership of other women.
There is a difference between leading from in front vs. directing from above.
If you missed the link the article CLICK HERE