Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Blessed with a Burden

I was watching a movie called "Freedom Writers", in the premise of this movie a teacher has given up her time, her energy, her resources and some could even say her marriage in the pursuit of helping a group of disadvantaged students find hope for their future. The movie is based on the book "Freedom Writers", that is based on the true stories of these teens and the movie shows how they came to publish this book.

There was a moment in watching the movie that has stuck out in my head.  When speaking to her father about the struggles she was going through... he replied that she was blessed with a burden.

That stopped me in my tracks.

Who can look at their burdens as a blessing?  Who can look at their past and see the silver lining?  Who can take their pain and turn it into glory?  And who has the strength to actively seek out burden in order to bless?

Galatians 6:2 says “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

When we share our burdens, we break the chains that the enemy has on us.  We no longer feel alone, because someone understands and cares about what we are going through.  In some cases they have gone through the same (or similar enough) to provide counsel, guidance and support.  Additionally we can find the strength and the encouragement needed to take our burden and help others.

I can look back at my own life and see the burdens I have carried.  I have found the blessing.  I have learned about myself and my relationship with God.  I have forgiven.  I have moved on.  I spend a good portion of my energy avoiding burden.  I can't out run everything, life happens.  But, I am certainly not seeking out more burden to add to the weight of my daily life.

Should I?

Should I find a cause so near and dear to my heart that I would be willing to give up everything in order to help those who are in need?

Is there balance?

Should we allow our normal daily lives to suffer as we pursue this good deed?

Is there a way to be burdened with a blessing without having to sacrifice everything?

I could understand in the movie, the teacher's willingness to take her own money, even getting a second job to provide for these students.  I would do the same.

I could understand her willingness to give up her time.

I struggle under standing the marriage dissolution.  It was evident that her husband wanted more time with her, it was evident that he thought her actions and devotion were noble.  But, it was also evident that he didn't appreciate that she made the decisions without talking to him about it.  He was resentful of the time it took her away from him.

Which begs the question.... did her devotion to these kids, her burden, ruin her marriage?  Or was this a marriage that was in trouble already?  Was it just a matter of time?  Would it have been something else.

I think had I watched this movie 10 years ago, I would have sided whole-heartedly with the wife/teacher.  In recent years, I definitely side with the husband.  She was putting the world before her marriage... despite the fact it was a noble deed.  Can we be an active servant of God, when we can't serve our own family because we have spread ourselves thin serving everyone else?  If this was God ordained, wouldn't her husband have supported her actions?  Wouldn't the marriage have survived?

I have been convicted a lot recently about this topic.  Exhausting myself in service to others and neglecting my own family.  Is that not my first call?  To minister to my family, before others?

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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