It really comes down to this book, coupled with God's Word.
After a series of events this weekend, despite devouring this book Thursday and referencing my bible... a LOT.... I felt my confidence absolutely being diminished. Having serious bouts of "I can't do this"... "what was I thinking"... "I am not capable"... and many more self depreciating thoughts.
Thursday I felt great. But the week progressed a lot differently than I expected. By Saturday night I was a mess. Sunday morning I walked into church, not really even knowing WHY I was there. In fact, a few people even asked (mind you my husband is in the hospital recovering from surgery, they expected me to be there). But even when I tried to talk myself out of going, I was drawn to those doors.
I heard exactly what I needed this morning.
"For we can certainly do it" (Numbers 13:30)
The sermon series we have been camped out in is called "Above and Beyond" and it references our financial giving, our use of our talents and abilities, getting out of our own way and our own comfort zone, and going above and beyond for God.
The beginning of the message this morning started with "A significant journey requires a significant step of faith".
In my lack of confidence in myself, I forgot about God. God is totally capable, totally able, totally equipped, totally and completely confident to do what He wants done. And when He calls us to action, He has confidence in us... we simply need confidence in Him, and His judgment and trust in us.
I let my tantrum go. I remembered that with Christ I can do all things. I certainly can do it. I can take that significant step of faith. So can you.